What a great afternoon we had at Blackburn Symphony Orchestra's Strings Open Day. Some lovely music including Tchaikovsky's sumptuous Serenade for Strings, some delightful pieces by Martin Ellerby and to finish a sassy strings arrangement of Irving Berlin's Cheek to Cheek. It was great to have … [Read more...]
Our new brand
It’s easy to be cynical about re-branding, with plenty of stories of focus groups who spend massive amounts of time and money to create a new image which is sometimes worse than the original……. But we decided that it was time our marketing materials matched the quality of our music, so we … [Read more...]
Our next concert: Saturday 15th July, Westholme School
A summer feast: Carnival of the Animals, Star Wars, Jazz Suite, and Rachmaninov piano excitement! Use the Tickets page to get your tickets! … [Read more...]